A Mettlach half litre stein, the lid decorated with a cockerel and rising sun, the body with a gnome in a birds nest with barley and hops whilst holding two steins, the thumbpiece a cast metal gnome, impressed marks, 21.3cm, a 19th century stoneware ale jug with applied tavern scenes and a silver plated mount & cover, 23cm, a Regency porcelain sauce boat, 19th century and later porcelain and pottery mugs & tygs, a Staffordshire pottery figural oil pourer, 15.3cm, and a Wedgwood sage green jasperware jardiniere, 20m
Sold for £30
A Mettlach half litre stein, the lid decorated with a cockerel and rising sun, the body with a gnome in a birds nest with barley and hops whilst holding two steins, the thumbpiece a cast metal gnome, impressed marks, 21.3cm, a 19th century stoneware ale jug with applied tavern scenes and a silver plated mount & cover, 23cm, a Regency porcelain sauce boat, 19th century and later porcelain and pottery mugs & tygs, a Staffordshire pottery figural oil pourer, 15.3cm, and a Wedgwood sage green jasperware jardiniere, 20m