Fourteen British Quad film posters - includes, Chicago (x3 Richard Gere, Catherine Zeta Jones and Rene Zelweeger), The Business, Amelie, Rabbit Proof Fence, Tichbourne Claimant, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Ae Fond Kiss, Live Forever designed by Damian Hirst, Series 7 The Contenders, Avatar, Indiana Jones and Kingdom of Crystal Skull, all rolled, 30 x 40 inches. (14)
From 2000-2020, the vendor's late husband worked for a company that printed film posters. Their main clients were Buena Vista, 20th Century-Fox, Warner Bros., and other small independent film companies.
Sold for £110
Fourteen British Quad film posters - includes, Chicago (x3 Richard Gere, Catherine Zeta Jones and Rene Zelweeger), The Business, Amelie, Rabbit Proof Fence, Tichbourne Claimant, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Ae Fond Kiss, Live Forever designed by Damian Hirst, Series 7 The Contenders, Avatar, Indiana Jones and Kingdom of Crystal Skull, all rolled, 30 x 40 inches. (14)
ProvenanceFrom 2000-2020, the vendor's late husband worked for a company that printed film posters. Their main clients were Buena Vista, 20th Century-Fox, Warner Bros., and other small independent film companies.